Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Reality week on 11/21 (better late than never, right?)

I am really behind on this, so goodness knows I'm fuzzy on some of the details of the shows. Alas, I am going to try and do this anyway. :) Here goes!

*The Amazing Race: This week, the 5 remaining teams ended up in Bangladesh, where they had to squeeze out a glass of sugar cane juice, and then drink it. Good thing some of them seemed to be used to some heavy drinking, because a lot of them had chugging mastered. Then they have a choice of detour- deliver 30 cans of lunches by boat to some workers, or deliver 100 unbroken bricks to a location by carrying them in bowls on their head. There is a surprise waiting for them at the end of this detour- a "Double U-Turn," where two teams can each pick another team to have to go back to the detour choice and pick again- basically, they end up doing both detours. Bummer!

Jill and Thomas were first to the Double U-Turn, picking Brook and Claire, the tv shopping hosts, to go back, saying that they were the fiercest competitors. (And if one of them can survive getting beaned in the head by a caterpulted watermelon at the beginning of the season, you know that's right!) Nick and Vicki ended up not picking anyone to go back, which was a brave move! Nat and Kat (the doctors) send Chad and Stephanie back to complete the Double U-Turn, because they were the only team behind them.

From the detours, teams had to "assemble a rickshaw." It's sort of silly, since they don't really have to assemble most of it, they just have to add the seat, bell, bicycle chain, etc. But it's enough to slow teams down and confuse them, since most of them don't know what they are doing. After that was the pit stop for this leg. Jill and Thomas finished first, winning themselves $15,000- not bad! Nick and Vicki came in 2nd, followed by Nat and Kat, Brook and Claire, and finally Chad and Stephanie, who were literally last by maybe a minute or two. Chad and Stephanie were eliminated, meaning we don't have to head Chad yelling at Stephanie and being a jerk. I'm hoping this rudeness was mostly a case of bad guy editing, since I've heard that since the show wrapped, Stephanie got pregnant and so the newly engaged couple got married early than their intended March wedding. I hope they are happy!

*Dancing With the Stars: The finale was sort of disappointing to me. None of the three remaining contestants (Kyle Massey, Jennifer Grey, Bristol Palin) stood out as truly excellent, although judges' favorite Jennifer scored a ridiculous amount of perfect 30s for her dances. I am glad that Bristol lasted until the finale because I really did see her improve a lot this season! Jennifer hurt something in her back that should have caused her to not dance, but she just took some painkillers and kept going. You could tell she was a wee bit loopy on the Tuesday episode. On Tuesday, most of the previously eliminated contestants were back, except for Michael Bolton (who was "too busy touring" to show up but I think still hates the show after Bruno told him he was the worst dancer ever on the show) and Audrina Patridge (who was sick with the flu, bummer). Their dances were more fun to watch than the finalists' final dances. Christina Aguilera was the guest singer on Tuesday, and she has a crazy good voice- her performance was pretty good but not particularly incredible.

Anyone out there would not be surprised to learn that judges' pet Jennifer Grey took home the trophy, Kyle Massey was 2nd, and Bristol Palin was 3rd. So much for the supposed Palin conspiracy to vote like crazy to make her win! I don't think she's too upset about it, it's being reported that she earned over $300,000 just for being on the show! I was disappointed that Kyle didn't win, but my favorites don't normally do too well.

*Hell's Kitchen: The final 5 had to get into kitchen trucks and serve a whole crowd of people. Gail won the challenge serving up a steak with mangoes. Russell decided to think outside of the box and serve octopus, a move that backfired and caused him to do the worst in the challenge. Gail's win reward was a makeover, the others had a lot of cleaning and prep to do. Service this week was terrible- the remaining 5 just couldn't get it together, and Chef Ramsay was so mad that he had to leave the kitchen and go for a walk to cool off, leaving the chefs stressed and bewildered. When he returned, he said that anyone who didn't make something right would be kicked out of the kitchen, causing Gail to get sent out for messing up fish and Jillian to get sent out for sending up undercooked eggs. Nona, Trev, and Russell completed service. The bottom 2 as selected by the chefs were Trev and Gail, and Chef Ramsay also mentioned Jillian's poor service. In the end, Gail was sent home. I had her pegged to go all the way, but lately it seemed like the stress was getting to her, and she did bad on fish station 3 weeks in a row.

*America's Next Top Model: This week was a "behind the scenes" episode, so we have to wait until the next one to find out if Ann or Chelsey will win. We saw a naked man get arrested on Venice Beach, Ann serving up deep fried Oreos to her housemates, and Chris have a crazy alter ego which made the girls laugh but scared the male models they invited over for dinner one week. The behind the scenes episodes are usually pretty funny, but I want to know who wins already! Who do you think it will be?

DWTS is ended, ANTM ends tomorrow, and Hell's Kitchen and The Amazing Race will be over soon...what will I watch now? What will I blog about? I have no idea!

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